An integrated system for the enjoyment of the child.
Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 Updated.
Not for upgrade only for clean install on formated HDisk or Partition.
Serial number not needed to enter, and Genuine validation is integrated.
Integrated Tweaks:
I couldn't resist to integrate beautiful Magical World HyperTheme (with 6 sub-styles changed through regular Display Properties tabs);
and over 50 Wallpapers for kids!
To see what Tweaks are implemented open $OEM$ folder on CD Rom root and edit (with notepad) files: MemoryTweaks.reg, myservices.reg, and Tweaks.reg!
Be patient at 13 minutes (T13) of Win install because of Net Framework setup
system isn't frozen. This takes awhile to install at this point.

Operating System:
Windows XP Sevice Pack 3 x86 (32 bit).
# Support SATA: Yes.
# Support RAID: Yes.
# SCSI support: Yes.
# Auto drivers get: Yes - SkyDriver v9.9.
# Internet Explorer 8: Yes
# Windows Media Player 11: Yes
# Hotfixes: Yes (updated to March 2010)
# Update online: Yes.
# CD Key: Already available add.
# File : File ISO standard.
# A lot of Disney Themes
# Beautiful backgrounds and encouraging children
# Add useful applications
Removed Components from Windows:
Internet Games
Drivers: Printers, Scanners.
Multimedia: old Win Images and Backgrounds, Luna desktop theme, Music Samples, Speech Support.
Network: MSN Explorer, Windows Messenger
Operating System Options: old .NET Framework, Blaster/Nachi removal tool, File System Encryption, Manual Install and Upgrade, Search Assistant, Tour, User *** pictures.
Services: Fax Service, Indexing Service
Integrated Driver Packs:
Chipset 8.03
CPU 8.04
MassStorage 8.05
LAN 8.05.3
WLAN 8.06
Broadband 70416
Modem 80327
USB 80224
Sound (eventually)
and Graphics drivers should be installed from own sources or from Internet
Integrated Applications and Hotfixes:
Firefox 3.0.1
K-Lite Codec Pack Full 4.1.0
Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 7
.Net Framework 1.1 & SP
.Net Framework 2.0 & SP
Visual C++2005
Visual C++2008
Visual J# 1.1 and 2.0
Notepad ++
7-Zip 4.57
WinRar 3.8
AC3 Filter 1.51a
GSpot 2.70a
Universal_Audio_Architecture_High_Definition_Audio _AddOn_1.0
ColorAeroCursors (changable in Control Panel/Mouse/Pointers)
Right Click Image Converter
Video MP3 Extractor
KB941833 MSXML 4.0 SP2
KB942288-v3 Windows Installer 4.5
Internet Explorer 7
Windows Media Player 11
DirectX (DirectX for Managed Code) WinXP Post-SP3 Update
Microsoft & Windows Update v7.1.6001.65
(KB890830) malware v2.0
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
Microsoft Silverlight v1.0.30401.0
Adobe Flash Player v9.0 r124
QFECHECK v6.2.29.0

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