Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tidalis #2 On Tom Chick's Games You Should Have Played This Year

Tom Chick, taste-maker PC games reviewer also to be found on SyFy channel's blog Fidgit, has recently been posting his 2010-in-retrospective posts.  The most recent, Ten games you should have played in 2010, held an excellent surprise for us: Tidalis in the #2 spot.  "The thinking man's Bejeweled 3," indeed.  His original review of the game was here, at Gameshark.

For that matter, yesterday Chick had a list called The ten most overrated games of 2010.  Starcraft II took the #1 spot on that list, which we won't comment on either way (it's really a different sort of RTS from AI War, anyhow), but in his notes about other games that should have gotten more attention that were instead overshadowed by Starcraft were both AI War and Gratuitous Space Battles (another big friend of Arcen) having had "great expansions."  Awesome -- as you'll recall, Chick was a big fan of the original AI War all the way back circa version 1.013 or so.

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