For the Light of the Spire expansion, there's a ton of stuff here: more balance changes and improvemetns have been made to the Fallen Spire story-driven minor faction, and episode 4 of the Fallen Spire is now also in place.

the following order of rarity (from least to most rare): Reptite,
Pysite, Xampite, Ebonite, Adamantite, Titanite. You can't do anything with these quite yet, but they'll be useful very soon for creating the Spirecraft ships (those "larger than a starship, smaller than a golem" ships). Start staking out your Titanite now! ;)
Oh, and there are tons of new graphics for the Light of the Spire stuff. All of the Fallen Spire ship graphics are now in (though some of the far zoom icons are still temporary), and various other ships as well. In the base game, even the existing Spire Starship has been upgraded to use the new visual styling that will be common for all the Spire ships. See to the right for what that looks like -- it's even cooler in-game, on a darker background.
Now that a lot of the art stuff has been worked out (since I'm doing all the art on this one -- using ZBrush, Photoshop, and a Wacom tablet, and in some cases Groboto, if you're curious), the actual new ships will be coming through quicker. Coming up with a compelling art style, and figuring out the specifics of ZBrush, which I'm new to, took more of this week than I'd planned on, but the results are well worth it as you can see above.
This is a standard update that you can download through the
in-game updater itself, if you already have 4.000 or later. When you
launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found
if you're connected to the Internet at the time. If you don't have 4.000 or later, you can download that here.