There are also a number of other more minor fixes and changes, and -- more importantly -- the balance for ion cannons now scales with the ship scale. This should make things much easier for players playing on lower ship scales when they run into a bunch of ion cannons!
We also got Steamworks integration in and working, but it's not in a fashion that can be publicly used yet. Monday, though!
At this stage, we're getting very close to being release-level quality. There are comparably few major issues open at the moment, and we're still working through those. But, for the next day or so it's going to be a bit slower on that because I'm going to be working on the storefront text, trailer, screenshots, tutorials, manual, and wiki, getting those ready for 4.0. Busy times! But it's really rewarding to see how this is all finally coming together.
This is a standard update that you can download through the
in-game updater itself, if you already have 3.701 or later. When you
launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found
if you're connected to the Internet at the time. If you don't have
3.701 or later, you can download the windows installer for 3.711, or the OSX installer for 3.712. Once you do an in-game update, they'll both be on the latest version, despite starting at slightly different versions.