Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Double Trouble

Hallow thar Free Gamers!

Warmux, the project formerly known as Wormux, is dying. (It amuses me how "formerly" sounds like "formally", doesn't it? Or is that my colloquial pronunciation?)

The current development version has rather minor changes: improved game mode (ie including weapon), new "squad" play (teams can ally). But there's little more coming. What this means is that the next version - if any - of WarMUX, might be the last. At least, it is most probably over for the author of these words.

Who knows. It was not long ago that the PARPG lead was calling that dead (and I scolded him for it, did I). The great thing about Free software is that it can live on.

Moving on to more vibrant projects, and ToME4 beta 29 30 31 is in the wild. The current development pace is quite astonishing. More graphical tiles, bug fixes, play balancing, and some useful optimizations - don't get addicted!


In a similar vein, the author of Scourge has embarked on another project: a HTML/JS isometric graphical rogue-like called zzoxx. It is intriguing, though not yet really playable. What's the best Free browser-based game you know of? Comments encouraged, let's talk about how Free software gaming is engaging the browser as a platform - and if it is a good idea or not.

Freeciv 2.3rc1 (NEWS) was released a few days ago. This major release of Freeciv is focused on multiplayer features including longplay. I just had a quick go and Freeciv is really well done these days. There's a few kinks still, but this is the best release yet. It still misses some of the charm of the original, and there's a few ways in which is not friendly to new users (no direct link from the city screen to the help content, in case you want to know what a wonder or building does, for example). I'd love to see some dedicated community members put together an introduction and a palace and/or throne screen.

There's also been a Freecol bugfix release. Freecol 0.10.1 fixes many of the issues with version 0.10.0 which was a fairly major release for the project.

There's been other stuff I forgot about. It's a funny time of day. Speaking of fun - here's a rather fun video of Stunty Rally 1.2 mishaps doubled up with music I found fitting. There are several points where it seems like those two videos are deliberately synchronized!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

SuperTuxKart 0.7.2: Add-on manager release

SuperTuxKart now has an add-on/DLC/community-content manager, which allows you to download tracks and karts from inside the game, without having to move or unzip files. I am very excited about this feature, which hopefully will be a strong motivation for community members to create new content for the game.

Suzanne's kart

One example of the advantages of this feature: a few days after the release of 0.7.2 the amazing Suzanne (Blender's mascot) kart was finished. Instead of having to manually download and install it or wait for 0.7.3, players can simply get the kart in the add-on manager. [edit: unfortunately right now Suzanne is only in SVN and not yet in the add-on manager (to be fixed)]

Here's a video of some of the content you can get via the add-on manager:

In case you are on Linux or OS X, consider getting the 0.7.2a release, which should perform much better [info here].


Two more content addition in this version are:

  • New Beastie Kart
  • New Snow Peak track by Samuncle

Thursday, July 21, 2011

NOLF2 source released but to what end

The commercial abandonware 2002 game No One Lives Forever (trailer) has been released under the GPLv2.

The NOLF2 source code has been released under the GPLv2 by Touchdown Entertainment. Along with the game source code, you will find the engine source code, as well the tools behind it. It's great news for the entire NOLF2 modding community, since now we'll be able to keep the game alive!

I have uploaded the package to free services since the Touchdown Entertainment website is down: http://www.multiupload.com/WBO4EQHRAE

It isn't yet clear what license the assets are released under, but as with most commercial game source releases I suspect that it is not part of the source release.

Do these commercial source pseudo-Free releases have any merit beyond giving loyal followers a way to keep their fun alive? It has been of great benefit to have had the ID engines released as Free software, but they were the platform for a number of very significant free projects that would later transition from freeware mods to true Free software.

If the source release is a way to say thanks to the fans, why not bundle the media too?

The same recently happened with the more popular Arx Fatalis. The Arx Liberatis developers are doing a valiant job of cleaning up with the ultimate goal being a native Linux port (currently WINE reliant) but is this just a commercial company using the open source community to keep a dead game alive and milk the last few drops out of their dying cash cow?

I'm not impressed by decade-old game source releases that do not include the full media for the game. It's still not Free, even worse, it's still not free. If anything, it is arguably a negative for the open source community because it reduces the pool of developers who might otherwise contribute their skills to a more worthy cause.


AI War Beta 5.012, "Efficient Invincibility," Released!

This one
has the usual variety of tweaks and fixes requested by players.  Of particular note are some optional keybindings for turning on/off your highest/lowest efficiency reactors (micromanagers rejoice), and some options for multiplayer in terms of auto-building on allied planets.

Astro Trains also now actually shoot their guns again, after having been accidentally muzzled for the last six months, and ships with "temporary invincibility" now show up with an angry-looking red/yellow force field effect to make it more clear that they have that status effect.


This is a standard update that you can download through the
in-game updater itself, if you already have 4.000 or later. When you
launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found
if you're connected to the Internet at the time. If you don't have 4.000 or later, you can download that here.

Arcen Games on The Grey Area Podcast

Chris Park and I sat down with Jenesee of The Grey Area Podcast for an in-depth chat on A Valley Without Wind, gaming in general, indie development, and of course all things Arcen Games as well. You should definitely set aside the 90 minutes for a listen; it was a wonderfully casual conversation with such a prepared and professional host guiding the ship!

The show's 26th episode "An Interview Without Wind" is available to listen to right now. Follow The Grey Area Podcast on Twitter and Facebook as well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RIOT Game Coding Competition

RIOT is a game coding competition for Caanoo, Wiz, Pandora and Dingoo's Dingux developers. In the future, probably also for nD devs, unless that one turns out to be vaporware.

The contest entry dealine is over but votes are running until July 22 2011.

Four RIOT entries that provide source

So far, four of the entries provided their source, you can filter them out here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sifat Cewek Berdasarkan Warna Favorit

 Warna ternyata bisa bicara banyak mengenai karakter, watak, sifat dan kepribadian seseorang. Dalam hal ini cewek. Seperti apa yah karakter wanita wanita kalau di lihat dari Warna kesukaannya? Apakah sama seperti sifat sifat cowok ?

Hmmh, saya pikir artikel cukup bagus meski mungkin tidak sepenuhnya benar. Setidaknya bisa menjadi motivasi untuk mengenal diri seseorang lebih jauh. Jadi, kalo kamu nanti ketemu dengan orang-orang yang memiliki kesukaan terhadap warna tertentu, kamu bisa menilai (mengira-ngira) bagaimana sih karakter orang tersebut? Hingga pada akhirnya, kamu bisa menetukan bagaimana kamu harus bersikap di depan orang tersebut.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Biru
Termasuk dalam tipe cewe pemurung, tidak terlalu menyenangkan dan selalu bertindak pasif dalam segala hal. Mendambakan ketenangan dan ketenteraman. Selalu mendapat kesulitan dalam pergaulan. Demikian pula dalam bercinta karena mereka pintar dalam menyembunyikan perasaan. Memang ciri cewe yang tertutup banget

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Hijau
Cewek ini adalah tipe yang sangat romantis, menyukai keindahan, menyenangi alam dengan udara yang sejuk. Seseorang yang selalu memegang prinsip. Meski ujung-ujungnya prinsip itu yang akan menghancurkan mereka. Dalam hal bercinta mereka mengidam-idamkan pria yang penuh toleransi dan dapat dipercaya.itu karena prinsip yang mereka punya harus kamu ikuti sebagai orang yang mencintai dia.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Kuning
Memiliki optimisme yang tinggi, tipe periang dan senang bergaul, tidak memiliki penampilan yang loyo. Sifat tolong-menolong selalu ada dalam diri wanita penyuka warna kuning, karena menolong merupakan suatu kewajiban mutlak baginya. Tipe cewe seperti ini cenderung memiliki kepekaan sosial yang tinggi dan  tidak pernah meremehkan siapapun juga, walaupun seseorang itu dungu atau bloon.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Ungu
Kalo cewe penyuka warna ungu adalah tipe yang benar-benar luar biasa. Dalam menghadapi masa depan mereka tidak pernah ragu-ragu, apa yang dikerjakan wanita tersebut adalah yang terbaik. Mereka pandai dalam mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Dalam bercinta, hanya merekalah yang kuat mental yang bisa mendekati (alias PDKT) dan menjadi kekasih kamu.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Putih
Mereka adalah orang yang dilahirkan ke dunia dengan sempurna, (Meski  kita semua tau, ngga ada yang sempurna) banyak orang mengagumi wanita itu karena sifatnya yang anggun, sifat idealis dan moral mereka yang teramat tinggi. Tak pernah angkuh, senang menolong siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan. Sebenarnya malas untuk mengakui cewek seperti ini, cos terlalu perfect sih. Tapi memang yang terlihat seperti itu, mau bagaimana lagi. Pantesan ada film "Bawang Putih", gambaran yang sangat cocok rupanya.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Hitam
Mereka termasuk tipe orang yang sangat lincah dalam hal-hal tertentu saja. Kalo mereka berada dilingkungan yang tidak disukai, maka mereka akan menjadi murung. Jadi jauhkan dia dari tempat yang dia tidak suka. Wanita itu selalu tampil menarik, terus rapi, cukup banyak pria berusaha mengejar dan merebut cintanya.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka Warna Merah
Termasuk tipe yang sangat berwibawa dan juga senang mengayomi teman yang lemah. Walau sering kali bergaul dan bercanda tapi wanita tersebut bisa menahan diri. Banyak pria mengatakan cinta, tapi mereka selalu berpikir dan berpikir lagi. Wanita ini termasuk tipe yang sulit jatuh cinta.

Sifat dan karakter cewek penyuka warna PINK
Sekilas saja, sepertinya kita sudah tau bahwa tipe cewek seperti ini sangat ceria, senang bergaul dan cenderung suka bermanja-manja (terutama pada orang yang dicintainya). Dia menyukai hal-hal yang berbau romantis. So, buat kamu cowok romantis punya kesempatan besar buat ngedapetin cewek ini.

Bagaimana cewek cewek, kamu suka warna apa nih..? Buat para cowok, mudah mudahan artikel sifat cewek menurut warna yang disukai ini bisa membantu dalam menghadapi cewek incaran kamu dan memahami sifatnya, Oke..?

Cara Selingkuh Paling Aman

Disadari atau tidak cara selingkuh yang paling aman adalah dengan tidak berselingkuh.  Ini adalah posisi paling aman bagi para selingkuh lovers. Atau jangan sampai ketahuan berselingkuh. Karena kalau kita ketahuan berselingkuh, maka kita sedang berada dalam posisi yang tidak aman. Nah, yang jadi pertanyaan adalah bagaimana cara selingkuh yang aman? Tips selingkuh yang benar agar tidak ketahuan? Berikut adalah 11 Cara selingkuh yang paling aman,yang pertama-tama kamu harus tahu bahwa selingkuh punya banyak resiko. Dan itu harus kamu hadapi di kemudian hari. Karma masih berlaku. Bisa jadi sekarang kamu yang selingkuh, suatu saat nanti, bukan tidak mungkin giliran pasanganmu yang selingkuh. Kalau kamu sudah siap dengan segala resikonya, mari kita mulai bagaimana cara selingkuh paling aman...

1.  Utamakan pasangan
Kalau kamu membandel masih ingin selingkuh yah, apa boleh buat. Semua kembali pada diri pribadi masing-masing. Tapi ada satu hal yang harus diingat, utamakan pasangnamu dibanding selingkuhanmu. Ini adalah cara selingkuh yang benar.

2. Cari alasan selingkuh yang tepat
Sebelum kamu berselingkuh, carilah alasan yang paling tepat kenapa kamu selingkuh. Alasan yang paling tepat yang bisa kamu pertanggung jawabkan kepada pasangan kamu. Ini untuk berjaga-jaga kalau-kalau suatu saat nanti kamu ketahuan berselingkuh. Kamu sudah siap dengan pembelaan kamu. hehe, tips selingkuh yang cerdas... Untuk bahan pertimbangan silakan kamu baca hasil survey kecil saya dalam 7 alasan kenapa seseorang selingkuh. Artikel itu bisa menjadi gambaran.

3. Jangan mencari selingkuhan terlalu banyak
Punya selingkuhan satu saja sudah bikin repot apalagi banyak. Saya pikir dua selingkuhan sudah cukup. Itu juga nggak bakalan habis kan..? Semakin banyak selingkuhan semakin repot nanti mengaturnya. Jangan mentang-mentang laku, yah..! Kasihan yang lain nggak kebagian.

4. Cari selingkuhan di tempat yang tepat
Tempat-tempat yang bagus untuk mencari selingkuhan adalah di tempat-tempat yang sering kamu kunjungi tapi tidak pernah dikunjungi oleh pacar kamu. Misalkan kamu sering pergi ke pantai tapi pacar kamu nggak suka, karena berbagai alasan. Biasanya sih takut item. Nah, di pantai itulah tempat yang tepat utnuk kamu mencari selingkuhan.

5. Cari pasangan selingkuh yang tidak banyak menuntut
Ini sangat penting. Mencari selingkuhan yang tidak banyak menuntut dan satu lagi, hindari mencari selingkuhan yang matre, kamu bisa rugi pada akhirnya. Oh, ya ada satu lagi, jangan selingkuh sama Jaksa. Kamu bisa dituntut secara pidana mau pun perdata. hehe...

6. Cari selingkuhan yang mengerti keadaanmu
Adanya saling pengertian antara kamu dan selingkuhan, akan memudahkan kamu dalam menghandle segala hal yang berkaitan antara kamu, pasanganmu, dan selingkuhanmu.

7. Katakan dengan jujur ke selingkuhan kamu kalau kamu tuh punya pacar
Kalau dia tidak bisa menerima keadaan kamu ini, yah tinggalin saja. cari selingkuhan yang lain. Gitu aja kok repot..!

8. Jangan menyimpan identitas selingkuhan
Jangan menyimpan identitas selingkuhan seperti foto, nomor telepon, atau alamat dan namanya. Sangat riskan menyimpan data-data selingkuhan apalagi di tempat-tempat yang mudah diakses oleh pacar kamu. Seperti di dalam dompet, handphone, dsb. Jadi lebih baik dan aman dihafal saj.

9. Hindari Selingkuh dengan orang-orang terdekat
angan selingkuh dengan orang-orang terdekat, baik dekat dalam artian jarak (tetangga) mau pun dekat dalam hubungan secara emosi ( teman dekat, saudara pacar, dsb.)
Pada kondisi tertentu, cara ini cukup efektif untuk mengelabui pasangan. Tapi, efek ke depannya nanti bisa jadi lebih buruk.

10. Jangan terlalu memamerkan selingkuhan
Beberapa orang suka pamer mengenai selingkuhan mereka. Untuk menunjukkan kebanggaan karena mereka punya banyak selingkuhan. Padahal, ini sangat beresiko. Coba untuk low profile, Selingkuh hanya utnuk selingan dan dinikmati secara pribadi saja, orang lain tidak perlu banyak tahu tentang hal ini.

11. Bersikap biasa
Jangan menunjukkan perubahan yang drastis. Baik itu perhatian, jadwal, kegiatan maupun sikap kamu sebagai pacar. Kalau pun ada yang berubah, harus dilakukan secara perlahan dan bertahap. Perubahan sikap yang drastis hanya akan menimbulkan kecurigaan dari pacar kamu.

Note :
Ini tips saya post karena saya tertarik setelah membaca sebuah artikel di sebuah website,dan saya mereview kembali,bagi agan and sista
yang kesulitan di dalam berselingkuh gk ada salahnya di terapkan,kapal layar tidak akan berlayar kalo tidak tertiup angin kencang dan di bawa arus......
artinya ada tips harus diimbangi dengan usaha dan doa.....daaan haruss dicoba lah gan.....!!!!!

Tips Jitu PDKT sama Cewe

Jika Anda tergolong pria yang punya masalah dalam mendekati seorang wanita, tak perlu cemas. Yang penting, jangan pernah merasa takut gagal. Jika perasaan takut gagal hilang, Anda perlu mencoba sepuluh cara jitu bagaimana mendekati wanita, seperti dilansir AskMen baru-baru. Silakan mencoba langkah-langkah berikut:

Pertama, bikin si wanita penasaran. Ketika Anda sedang berbicara dengan seseorang, si wanita akan terdorong mendekati Anda untuk mencari tahu apa yang sedang dibicarakan. Pastikan posisinya sangat dekat untuk mendengar pembicaraan. Dijamin, si wanita akan menjadi pendengar diam-diam, dan menjadi provokatif untuk mendengar lebih banyak.

Kedua, belajar dari kegagalan pria lain. Jika Anda melihat seseorang pria gagal ketika mencoba mendekati wanita, Anda harus mencari tahu penyebab kegagalannya. Dari situ Anda bisa belajar dan dengan mudah bisa memulai pendekatan dengan baik.

Ketiga, bikin taruhan kecil-kecilan. Seperti dalam sebuah permainan, Anda juga perlu membuat taruhan. Terus berinteraksi sepanjang malam dengan si wanita, lalu cari sesuatu dalam pembicaraan yang bisa dijadikan taruhan. Misalnya, dia harus mengingat nama Anda sepanjang malam. Bila lupa, dia harus membelikan Anda minuman.

Keempat, siapkan permainan. Ada banyak permainan kecil yang menyenangkan, dan akan membuat seorang wanita menjadi terpesona pada Anda.

Kelima, bikin cerita lucu dan menarik. Jadilah seorang pria yang selalu memiliki cerita menarik dan lucu. Menjadi seseorang yang humoris akan membedakan Anda dari orang lain. Sang wanita yang didekati memiliki kesan tersendiri pada Anda.

Keenam, mintai pendapatnya. Salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk melakukan pendekatan adalah menanyakan pendapatnya tentang sesuatu. Yang penting beri kesan bahwa Anda benar-benar perlu meminta pendapat darinya.

Ketujuh, gosip terbaru. Sebelum pergi keluar, pastikan Anda tahu berita terheboh saat ini. Ini bisa dijadikan materi sempurna untuk mengawali sebuah percakapan.

Kedelapan, berbicara tentang seseorang atau sesuatu. Dimanapun berada, Anda bisa mengamati seseorang atau sesuatu di sekitar Anda sebagai bahan percakapan, terutama jika ia menemukan reaksi yang sama.

Kesembilan, bersulang. Jika Anda berada di sebuah bar atau klub, salah satu cara termudah untuk mengawali pembicaraan adalah bersulang, dengan berkata "Cheers". Sangat sederhana dan sopan, tapi membuka jalan bagi Anda untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat.

Kesepuluh, ucapkan kata "hey". Ucapan sederhana ini bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi Anda untuk mengawali pembicaraan kepada seorang wanita.

Note :
Trik ini tentu harus dicoba, sebelum Anda meyakininya bisa berhasil. Yang penting, jangan takut untuk gagal.

Monday, July 11, 2011

HTML5 2D Game/Engine crowdfunding: Time Hammer

When I was looking for last post's link to Justin's portraits, I found a collection of b/w portraits and a new crowdfunding game project: Time Hammer.

What is Time Hammer?
  1. A game where you run, jump, fall and die, try again, smash enemies, and have fun (hopefully!)  It's a retro, 8-bit throwback to an earlier time, but with some modern touches that we just couldn't help but include.  Low gravity, destructible environments, a kickin chip-tune soundtrack... yeah, it's a blast!
  2. A gaming engine built from scratch in HTML5 / Javascript. Time Hammer will be the first fully-featured, plot-driven game featuring the HTML5
  3. An indie community dream come true. The game engine will be released open-source on GitHub - meaning that anybody can download it, improve it, and use it for any purpose, free of charge.
"Which license?" was my first thought and question.

I haven't actually researched the nuance of those licenses, and honestly some of the kickstarter money would be used to get a lawyer to recommend one. Two strong contenders are the GPL and MIT license.
Isn't there a group of free software lawyers, who might consult for free beer or less? Supporters can voice their opinion to this topic on the comments page.

Going for USD 8,500

I was reassured, that flash will not be used at all, not even for sound.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Flare 0.14 Characters, Quests and HD video

The last version of Flare that Free Gamer took a look at was 0.11. The newest version is 0.14.

Character customization in Flare

Title and savegame loading screens now exist, adding to immersion.

Character customization (gender, portrait and name) is now possible. (Note how much depth this part of starting a game can acchieve in some cases). The character portraits are a product of Justin Nichol's fantasy portrait marathon.

Joystick support, conversations, vendors, quests, a new area and many more smaller additions included. It is now possible to configure keybindings and resolution, which leds to my first 720p HD video of Flare gameplay:

Clint Bellanger, main developer of Flare, posted a reflection on game progress in Flare, which includes some simple but interesting statistics.

You can show Flare some pocket love via Flattr.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Shadow Harvest Phantom Ops SKIDROW Full PC Game


Shadow Harvest Phantom Ops SKIDROW Full PC Game Mediafire Direct Download Links


Publisher: Viva Media LLC
Developer: Black Lion Studios
Release Date: April, 2011
Genre: Tactical Shooters

Shadow Harvest is a highly immersive 3rd-person tactical action game set in the year 2025 on various current and future points of conflict around the globe. Featuring dual character control, amazingly realistic graphics and a refreshingly different storyline, Shadow Harvest is a completely new interpretation of the tactical-action genre. Being an ISA agent, the first character, Myra Lee, has a background in espionage and stealth operations, while the other character, Aron Alvarez, is a hard-boiled close combat specialist of US Army's Delta Force. When tyrants and warlords threaten the well-being of International Law, it's the job of those few, of those skilled to protect the world and maintain the veil of secrecy. These men and women are the unsung heroes, the soldiers who get the job done even behind enemy lines. Often going unheard and unnoticed, but certainly felt -- at least by their enemies; they fight a war of high stakes that civilians will never even know about. Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops takes place in the year 2025 as the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. Greedy warlords and dictators of 3rd world countries thirst for advanced weapons systems and never before have arms dealers been so profitable. Players will be immersed into highly detailed environments in Somalia, Cuba and the city of Dubai. The central characters, Myra Lee and Aron Alvarez are operatives of a secret US military intervention unit, called the ISA. Both agents are relentless warriors with unique and deadly battle skills. 

The year is 2025. As Hideo Kojima would say, war has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity... Well, actually it probably is still about those things - Shadow Harvest developer Black Lion hasn't explained exactly what's going on with the story yet, so we're not sure - but one thing is certain: war is still about crouching behind walls and firing at people over the top of them. Crouchers-in-chief this time are Aron Alvarez and Myra Lee, operatives with US "military intervention unit" the ISA. They're on the trail of an evil dictator in the continually war-torn Somalian capital of Mogadishu - and on that trail they encounter a lot of concrete blocks and low walls to crouch behind using the game's third-person cover system. Aron is the usual blunt instrument. He's got an assault rifle and he can attach explosives to walls to blow them out of the way. He also likes blowing up explosive barrels (yes, they're still helpfully positioned next to enemies in 2025), which often then precipitate the collapse of nearby structures that tumble dustily and realistically into the street. Myra's the stealth option. She has a Predator-style cloaking shield, which she can use for as long as she has shield energy indicated on the HUD, dashing through mazes of shelving units past bad guys who hear her footsteps but can't catch sight of her. She also has one-hit-kill darts in a small crossbow, a retractable BloodRayne-style metal knife on one of her wrist-straps for close-up kills, and a range of other quiet skills like lock-picking and climbing.



  • Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops takes place in the year 2025 as the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources.
  • Greedy warlords and dictators of 3rd world countries thirst for advanced weapons systems and never before have arms dealers been so profitable.
 Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel 3.2 GHz or faster
* RAM: 1 GB
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

 Recommended System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
* RAM: 2 GB
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Supported Graphics Cards:
NVIDIA GeForce 260 GTX, AMD ATI Radeon 4870 or similar

 Mediafire Download Links:
Mediafire Password: www.downloadrider.com
RAR Password: www.downloadrider.com

Winter Sports 2011 - PROPHET

undefinedWinter Sports 2011 - PROPHET | 3.7 Gb
Bohemia Interactive | DTP Entertainment | ISO | Genre: Sport

Winter Sports 2011: Go for Gold - take part in nine winter sports, and earn the highest scores on the most exciting snow slopes in the world. You can play alone or with friendsonline, or together in split-screen, and show the highest results in the most popular winter sport disciplines of all times!
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4@1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 + Memory: 1 GB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 512 MB
Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
Free hard drive space: 5 Gb

1). Unpack, burn or mount
2). Install game
3). Copy the crack from PROPHET dir
4). Play the game

Password Mediafire :

Fubuntu 14.10

Fubuntu 14.10

linux telah merilis sebuah fakta baru bahwa 14,10 tidak menambahkan update baru untuk melaporkan tetapi aplikasi default dan perbaikan beberapa bug yang ditemukan pada rilis sebelumnya.
Ext4 sekarang diaktifkan secara default, menambahkan nVidia baru dan driver ATI eksklusif dan alat baru untuk menyederhanakan kustomisasi.
Diperbarui untuk kernel, baru Adobe Flash, 10,3, 12 dan Shotwell Kromium 0.10.1.

Fuduntu adalah versi Fedora 14 dibuat untuk digunakan pada netbook atau desktop, terutama pada Eee PC dari Asus.
Di antara inovasi utama sudah di default Jupiter, untuk menyediakan fungsi applet yang SHE juga bagi mereka yang menggunakan Linux dan belum tentu merek netbook Asus.
Berkat ikon di systray nyaman dengan Jupiter dapat mengubah mode, mengatur hemat energi, matikan penerbangan Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, touch pad, pilih resolusi yang berbeda untuk layar dan banyak lagi. Selain itu, ada pra-instal OpenOffice, GIMP, Tomboy, Inkscape, Wahyu, VIM Enhanced dan Pidgin.

Fuduntu 14.10
Fuduntu 14.10
Download Fuduntu-14.10-x86_64-LiveDVD.iso Size 982.5 MB
Download Fuduntu-14.10-i386-LiveDVD.iso Size 951.1 MB

Windows XP SP3 Pirated Edition

Nama: Windows XP SP3 Pirated Edition
Service Pack: 3
Sistem: x86 (32bit)
Produk Key : Tidak Diperlukan
WGA: Cracked
Setup pilihan: Hanya Boot
Upgrade: TIDAK (hanya menginstal )
Versi Windows XP dirancang hanya untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Lebih dari 10.000 driver disertakan. (Bersabar saat exctracting driver)
14 7zip file driver.
- Mainboard
- Sound
- Graphics

Addons terintegrasi:
- 7zip 4,57
- IDM 5.17 Build 2
- Winamp 5,41
- Black 7 Theme Pack
- 4,25 KLMCodec
- FireFox 3,05
- Win RAR 3,80
- Gadget
- RocketDoc
- Win 7 Wallpaper
Faster startup Windows XP
Meningkatkan kecepatan dengan pengaturan Prefetcher tweaker
XP Meningkatkan kinerja NTFS
Peluncuran aplikasi dengan prioritas yang diinginkan
Kinerja Memory Tweak
Meningkatkan Proformance melalui My Computer
Mengurangi 10 scandisk detik menunggu waktu
Menghapus file hibernasi
Shutdown XP Faster
Speed Boot – Shave 2 Detik
Mempercepat Tampilan Menu Tanpa Menyebabkan Masalah
Mempercepat tampilan menu
Mempercepat Browsing Network
System Configuration Utility

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  • Part 6 Download

  • Part 7 Download

  • Windows XP XC Excellent 2011 Terbaru v.2.2 (SP3)

    Windows XP edisi 2011 yang baru saja dirilis ini bisa anda dapatkan di masterGOmaster, OS windows ini diberi nama Windows XP XC 2011 atau nama panjangnya Windows XP eXCellent 2011 yang dibuat oleh iCharge. Windows XP Pro 2011 modifikasi ini disematkan fitur terbaru yakni anda dapat memindahkan ikon-ikon pada system tray dan taskbar dengan sekali geser. setelah aku coba memang sangat eXCellent untuk OS ini segera anda dapatkan selagi gratis. untuk informasi tambahannya silahkan baca berikut ini:
    Emissions by name: Windows XC (eXCellent) 2011.
    Basic Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 version 5.1 build 2600.
    Operating system: x86 (32 – bit).
    Certification SATA: Yes.
    Language: English / Thai (Thai keyboard set up automatic Optical).
    Windows Activation: Activation and Cool Edit that.
    Installation mode: automatic seat without orders.
    Customization by: iCharge.
    New features.
    - Order the program on the Taskbar.
    - Optimized the boot. (Starts off the computer).
    And programs that increase credit
    Everything v1.2.1 (search for Windows).
    . Net Frameworks (1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 SP1) by jd976.
    HashTab add-ons by Gorki.
    CPLBonus by Kel.
    Klite Mega Pack 5.9.
    IE8 add-ons by OnePiece.
    Taskbar Shuffle.
    Winrar 4 beta 5.
    OEM Info by Winstyle 2008.
    Edited by ricktendo64 RefreshClock Addon by iCharge.
    [Update Pack.]
    UpdatePack 1.4.5 by user_hidden.
    Ambient by tornado5 / Ambient shellstyle by Gelosea.
    Royale / Luna by HoLY CoMM @ nDo.
    WMP 12 for XP by XceNiK, fediaFedia, Gainnisgx89, Mening12001.
    Comix Cursors White by Teft.
    Aero Shadow (Normal / Medium / Big) by Herby.
    Size: 715,396 KB


  • Part 01 Download

  • Part 02 Download

  • Part 03 Download

  • Part 04 Download

  • Tidalis Beta 1.017: Improvements To Combo Scoring At Game Over

    This release fixes a single logic issue which some players had been running into
    thanks to the Steam Summer Camp achievement for Tidalis. Essentially,
    if you won a game board with a combo, then it would not score that combo
    or give you achievements, because by definition it was waiting around
    half a second to score combos to make sure that they were really done.
    That logic makes perfect sense during actual gameplay, but when a game
    over (victory or loss) is reached it can easily be assumed that the
    combo is definitely done! So that's what the game now does. Enjoy!

    This is a standard update that you can download through the
    in-game updater itself, if you already have 1.000 or later. When you
    launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found
    if you're connected to the Internet at the time. If you don't have 1.000 or later, you can download that here.

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows PC GAME

    System Requirements:
    - Operating System: XP/Vista/Win7
    - Intel Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz
    - RAM 1 GB
    - Video: Video card co 256 MB VRAM, (NVIDIA GeForce 6800GT / ATI Radeon X1600) is compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c, with the latest drivers DirectX
    - Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
    - Free hard drive space: 5 GB

    ScreenShoot :

    Cara Install :

    1. Extract winRAR.
    2. Mount or Burn iso
    3. Install and use the keygen from Razor1911 dir or any of these serials:


    4. Copy crack to install folder
    5. Enjoy!

    Link Donwload MediaFire :

    Password : mfgames.org

    Download Avatar: The Last Airbender RIP (PC Game)

    Free Download Game Avatar: The Last Airbender adalah game yang beregenre Action RPG, digame ini kalian akan menemukan jurus-jurus Aang (si pengendali elemen) yang mana menggabungkan 4 elemen dunia, Air, tanah, apai, dan angin pokoknya yang persis ada di tv atau filmnya, alur ceritanya pun juga sangat mirip, Di game ini kalian dapat memilih karakter yang kalian suka baik itu soka, katara, maupun Aang, Untuk grafis, lumayan keren bahkan menurut saya grafisnya menyerupai Spiderman Ultimate,.So Buruan Download Avatar: The Last Airbender RIP (PC Game) Gratis,...
    Genre: Action | Style: RPG fantasy | Release: 2004

    Minimum System Requirements :
    OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
    Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz
    Memory: 256 Mb
    Hard Drive: 700 Mb free
    Video Memory: 64 Mb
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 9.0
    Password: ( kosovadc 

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)
    Game Platforme(s) : PC | Language : English | Release Date : Sept 09, 1999
    Publisher : Namco Hometek, Inc. | Developer : Namco Ltd. | Genre : 3DFighting | Size: 674 Mb

    Namco outdid themselves again with another superb title stemming from Soul Edge and Soul Blade fever. Soul Calibur for the Sega Dreamcast takes major advantage of the 128-bit system's processor. This game shows off perfect martial arts forms performed by incredibly realistic, motion-captured polygon models that move fluidly at 60 frames per second -- without any slowdown. Who would've believed that Namco could top its own Tekken series? Soul Calibur deserves more than what can be said about it and credit is due to the ingenious minds at Namco for feeding the hungry mouths of its audience by pulling out all stops.

    Along the same lines as Soul Edge, Soul Calibur's premise pits history's greatest weapon-wielding warriors against each other until one character defeats the rest in order to obtain the Soul Edge, the most powerful sword in the universe. It was cursed by evil and was lost after the defeat of Cervantes, only to be discovered by a new host, Siegfried, who later became known as the Azure Nightmare. He would then unleash the evil within the sword upon the world. Years later, he is seen destroying cities and villages as he makes his way towards the Black Forest. Sophitia and Taki return along with other familiar fighters and some new, oddball ones like Voldo, the dreaded guardian of the Money Pit.

    Soul Calibur is so minutely refined that it doesn't even need an explanation or a backstory for everyone to enjoy playing it. With incredible playability and tasty eye candy, even the non-fighting game type wouldn't want to blink as they witness the beautiful opening intro scripted with the actual in-game graphics. The stages take place in different parts of the world, while the last stage takes place in space with the fight against Inferno. Both players on the screen duel on a platform where if you fall off into the water or the void, you die immediately.

    Speaking of eye candy, Namco has been known for their use of high resolution, vibrant colors, smooth animation, superb effects, and lightning speed frame rates. Soul Calibur's awesome visuals will make you drop your jaw. There are no apparent graphical glitches nor breakup, and no collision detection problems in this game. The camera angles can be controlled while you watch the replays -- unbelievable. What you're treated to is a top notch, nearly-CG display of models and backgrounds that look like paintings, if not the real thing. Also, with animation as smooth as butter, the replay factor can be wiped off the charts just for that alone as you'll want to keep coming back for more to witness the awe-inspiring beauty.


    * Arcade-style 3D fighting action.
    * All-new game modes not included in the original arcade game.
    * 10 characters, all with full 8-direction movement and control.
    * Master unique moves and uncover secrets.
    * For 1 or 2 players


    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    SoulCalibur Game PC (PC/Full/Eng)

    Minimum System Requirements

    * Os : Windows Win98/XP/Vista/Win7
    * Processor : CPU Pentium III/AMD 750 MHz
    * Memory : 512 Gb
    * Video Card : 64 MB
    * Sound Card : Compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
    * Hard disk : 750 MB

    Recommended System Requirements

    * Os : Windows Win98/XP/Vista/Win7
    * Processor : CPU Pentium IV/AMD 1.6 GHz
    * Memory : 1 Gb
    * Video Card : 128 MB
    * Sound Card : Compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
    * Hard disk : 800 GB


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