Current post is an extension to this one.
L2 Kamael presents entirely new race - The Kamael. They have one wing and their powers are totally based on evil. Some of their skills use soul power - in order to use them one must collect souls. Male and Female Kamaels have different class paths.
Kamael update presents three new territories - Hellbound, Isle of Souls and Isle of Prayer.
Also new feature presented in Kamael are the fortress battles - seiges equivalent available 24/7.
Official Kamael Preview:
There are some unofficial Kamael servers like:
Currently l2j server community works on its own l2 Kamael emulator. You can find information about it on
Lineage 2 Kamael Movies:
Lineage 2: Female Fighter
Lineage 2: Kamael Transformation Trailer
Lineage 2: The Kamael: The First Throne
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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